Empowering neurodivergent young adults in their academic, professional, home, and social lives.

Guiding young adults with executive function, social skills, goal setting, independent living, and career development support.

I get to interact with people just like me...and feel like I can be myself and not have to hide my interests just to stay relevant.
— Madison, Former Member
The Segue Center has given us renewed hope for our son’s future opportunities.”
— Susie, Parent
We have seen an increased confidence in our daughter. She is more aware of what is happening in the world.
— Carole, Parent

Small Group Programming

We believe teaching skills in small groups is often the best way to support “neurospicy” young adults with ADHD, Autism, AuDHD, OCD, anxiety, and other challenges. As leaders, we keep the focus on introducing and reinforcing skills, guiding open discussions, and checking in on how well members are using these tools in their everyday lives.

By keeping groups small enough to still allow for individualization, we can also capitalize on the growth that comes from peers supporting each other. Other members can provide support strategies that have been helpful in their own lives, empathize with each other’s struggles, and delight in each other’s specific interests and hobbies. Peers empower each other to lower their masks, be themselves, and be honest about what is and what is not currently working.

1:1 Executive Function and Life Skills Coaching

Outside of our group programming, we also offer individualized sessions to guide young adults in their professional lives (with job search and career-focused coaching), their home lives (keeping up with chores, budgeting, independent living skills), and with navigating their college lives.

Career Assessments

Segue Center staff is trained and certified to administer the Greenwood System 120™, an evidence-based, research-based, and peer-reviewed assessment designed to provide career guidance based upon an individual’s unique interests, abilities, values, and personality.

Drop-in Social Events

We know it can be hard to find friends where we feel comfortable to “unmask” our neurodiversity. We offer occasional social events on nights or weekends to bring young adults together more often, with the security of one of our program leaders as a guide.

Even though we take a summer break, we do offer two specialized programs for members.

Our College Connection Camp offers an opportunity to discuss skills and “practice” the realities of college life during a multi-day camp at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Our Segue Getaways offer a chance to travel with peers and practice independent living skills while taking in the sights of an American destination. Previous trips have been to New Mexico and to San Diego, California.

Summer Programming

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Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(214) 561-7668

6310 LBJ Freeway #105, Dallas, TX 75240